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Impact Report for the Higher Education Solutions Network: Highlights and Lessons Learned from Five Years of Programs, report for the USAID U.S. Global Development Lab. 68 pages. April 16, 2018.
Excerpt: "What are the building blocks of resilience, and how do you strengthen them? The ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), the HESN-funded network of labs anchored at Makerere University in Uganda, is premised on the belief that communities can overcome the shocks of conflict, disaster, drought, and other stresses because of the strengths that make the communities resilient. But where exactly does 'resilience' reside in a community? How do you measure it, let alone figure out how to increase it? RAN found a way. Teams from 18 African universities conducted participatory assessments in communities across Africa in which residents helped define their needs and identify what gives their communities resilience."
Unlocking the Economic Potential of Digital Media: Exchange Program for Professional Fellows from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE – Final Report, September 2013-February 2015.
Report to the U.S. State Department for the International Center for Journalists. 71 pages. May 2015.
Excerpt: "The program reinforced excellence in mass media practice with an unprecedented emphasis on business sense. ICFJ asked its Professional Fellows to dream big while keeping their feet on solid ground. The goal: to envision their most creative idea for a novel use of digital media for communication in their home countries, with a broad, focused search for creative sources of revenue to sustain the venture."
Building a Digital Gateway to Better Lives: Supporting Regional Journalists, Citizen Journalists and Civil Society Actors to Inform Public Discourse in MENA – Final Project Report, 2011-2014.
Report to USAID for the International Center for Journalists. 39 pages. June 2014.
Excerpt: "The project-based approach succeeded in driving participants to publish journalism that increased awareness of problems including those affecting vulnerable populations. In a follow-up survey1 of past program participants, 87 percent said the training helped them produce digital media products in service of the public about issues generally ignored by mainstream media."
MENAHRA–The Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association: Best practices in strengthening civil society’s role in delivering harm reduction services.
Report for the World Health Organization/Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office. 36 pages. October 2012.
Excerpt: "Civil society practitioners said that as a result of MENAHRA training, advocacy and
support, members of civil society organization gained skills and valuable connections
to counterparts from across the Middle East and North Africa; civil society organizations’ harm reduction services engendered a growth in provision of harm reduction services beyond their own projects; many countries adopted changes in policies and practices favourable to
harm reduction; and awareness of, and sharing information about, harm reduction has increased
dramatically in the Middle East and North Africa, as has acceptance of discussing injecting drug users and harm reduction."
Rapid Assessment of Local Journalists’ Capacity in Alexandria, Aswan, and Minya Governorates,
Report submitted to USAID by Management Systems International (MSI). 31 pages. December 2008.
Excerpt: "Among Egypt’s local newspapers, those with cramped offices, slow computers, and low
pay are the lucky ones. The majority of local newspapers in our sample had a single
computer available to reporters or none at all. Most reporters write their stories at home
with pen and paper."
Media Development Program Year Four Evaluation Report,
Evaluation comparing program’s work plan to actual activities. Submitted to USAID by Management Systems International (MSI). 65 pages. September 2010.
“MDP Contributions to Democratization in Egypt”
Summary of program activities and trainees relevant to Egypt’s democracy movement. Section in Media Development Program Progress Report submitted to USAID by Management Systems International (MSI). 6 pages. February 2011.
Excerpt: "Traditionally top-down, Al Ahram began using the popularity of online articles, number of comments, and percent of positive versus negative comments to inform editorial planning. Al Ahram also began using the statistics of the website to decide on best-read journalists, diverging from the traditional practice of favoring journalists by seniority when accepting articles for publication in the print newspaper."
Livelihood and Income from the Environment in Sinai: Final Project Report,
Report submitted to USAID by International Resources Group (IRG Ltd.). 36 pages. April 2012.
“HIV stigma and discrimination in health care settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.”
Prepared for the World Health Organization/Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. Presented at the symposium “Family, the Millennium Development Goals and AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa region: Linkages, challenges and opportunities,” Doha, Qatar, hosted by the Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development, UNAIDS, and UNICEF, November 2011.
Press releases
For Civil Society Strengthening Program funded by USAID/Morocco:
- “Helping Morocco’s Mountain Residents Find Their Voice.” Article published on website of Counterpart International. June 2019.
- “Moroccan Civil Society Wins Tax Relief for Its New Role.” Article published on Counterpart website, June 2019.
- “Helping the Poorest Advocate for Better Services in Morocco.” Article published on Counterpart website, June 2019.
For USAID's Higher Education Solutions Network:
- “‘Big Ideas’ Contest Goes Open-Source.” Newsletter article published on website of University of California-Berkeley. July 2014.
- “Flowing from Water to Gender Equality.” Profile published on website of Makerere University, Uganda, November 2013.
- “On a Higher Mission: University ‘Development Labs’ Accelerating to Answer World’s Toughest Challenges.” Co-writer. Article in USAID newsletter FrontLines. September/October 2013.
- "Helping Bright Ideas Shine Through: A Spotlight on Brian Gitta, Makerere University.” Profile published on USAID website, December 9, 2013,
- “Finding Fertile Ground for Tech on the Farm: A Spotlight on Charles Steinfield, Michigan State University.” Profile published on website of Makerere University. Fall 2013.
- “Visualizing Better Nutrition: A Spotlight on Chris Bielecki, Texas A&M University.” Profile published on website of Makerere University. Fall 2013.
- “An Enterprising Approach to Funding Health for the World’s Poor: A Spotlight on Liz Charles, Duke University.” Profile published on website of Makerere University. Fall 2013.
For USAID/Egypt's LIFE-Sinai project:
- "Remote areas of Sinai now have potable water, thanks to three new desalination plants." Brochure submitted to USAID by International Resources Group (IRG Ltd.). April 2012.
- "Sinai Water Projects Help Bedouin Residents Learn Valuable Skills." Success story submitted to USAID by International Resources Group (IRG Ltd.). April 2012.
For other clients:
- “Egabi Solutions empowers inspectors with mobile/online violation-reporting system.” Press release for software firm Egabi Solutions. April 2012.
- “National Health Accounts Findings Open Health Financing Dialogue in Egypt.” Web article for USAID project Health Systems 20/20 Egypt. July 2011.
- “Governor, Legislature Can Quickly Find Common Ground: The Freedom to Breathe Act.” Press release for the nonprofit Minnesota Smoke-Free Coalition and Freedom to Breathe Campaign. November 9, 2006.
For Johns Hopkins University:
- “Casting a bright light on breast cancer: Race at Pyramids culminates U.S./Egypt awareness efforts.” Press release for USAID/Johns Hopkins University/Komen for the Cure. October 2009.
- "USAID integrated approach assists Egypt’s rapid communication on flu prevention.” Press release for Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs (JHU-CCP) and USAID. May 18, 2009.
- “Doctors Against FGC initiative launched in Egypt.” Press release for JHU-CCP and USAID. May 4, 2009.
- “Egypt’s pharmacists rise to fill clients’ information needs; ‘AskConsult’ helps." Press release for JHU-CCP and USAID. April 2009.
- “Egypt’s campaign against hepatitis exceeds expectations in its first year.” Press release for JHU-CCP and USAID. February 2009.
For USAID/Egypt:
- “Speech by Ambassador David Welch: Completion of the Cairo Air Improvement Project.” Speech for USAID/Egypt delivered by U.S. Ambassador to Egypt. March 24, 2004.
- “U.S. support to Egypt’s Telecommunications Sector.” Fact sheet distributed by USAID/Egypt. December 2003.
- “USAID Supports ‘Environment 2003’ Conference.” Press release on USAID/Egypt web site. September 30, 2003.
- “USAID, Egyptian Bank Create Major ‘Green Loan’ Fund.” Press release on USAID/Egypt web site. September 25, 2003.
- “U.S., Egypt Put Hazardous Waste Management in Action.” Press release on USAID/Egypt web site. July 14, 2003.
- “U.S. Helps 10th of Ramadan Improve Environment Practices.” Press release on USAID/Egypt web site. June 27, 2003.
- “Ambassador's Speech at Sustainable Tourism Egypt 2003 Conference.” Speech for USAID/Egypt delivered by U.S. Ambassador to Egypt. May 27, 2003.
Magazine articles
For McSweeney's:
For Business Today Egypt:
- Country Profile series: France, July 2002; South Korea, June 2002; Netherlands, May 2002; United States, April 2002; Spain, March 2002; Germany, February 2002.
- Solar and wind power: “Basking in the Sun and Wind? Experts say renewable energy is perfect for Egypt’s remote areas, but the government appears less than enthused,” May 2002.
- Global trade: “Understanding the WTO’s Doha Ministerial,” December 2001.
- September 11th column: “In Cairo as NYC Burned,” October 2011.
For the Cairo Times:
- September 11th analysis: “Watching and worrying: Cairo's large expatriate community may be in shock after the terror attacks, but few feel unsafe,” September 20, 2001.
Internet articles
Presidential election coverage for Internet Broadcasting Systems (Lakana):
- “Creative Suggestions for Settling the Non-Election.” Column. Updated November 29, 2000. Column,
- “The Never-Ending Election.” Column. November 10, 2000.
- “ELECTION STUNNER: TOO CLOSE TO CALL.” News article. November 8, 2000.
- “Convention Loser: The Media?” Q&A column. August 22, 2000.
- “Politics, Religion Mix for Readers.” Q&A column. August 14, 2000.
- “In The End, GOP Won Message War.” News analysis. August 6, 2000.
- “Elder Bush Arrives; Protests Heat Up." News article. August 6, 2000.
- “Exclusive Four-Word Interview With Bush Sr.!” Column. August 5, 2000.
- “You Asked, We Answer: Bush's 'Inclusivity.'” Q&A column. August 3, 2000.
- “McCain Loses His Cool.” News analysis. July 31, 2000.
Newspaper articles
Political coverage for the Duluth News-Tribune, Minnesota:
- “Willard Munger’s long walk: State Rep. Willard Munger is confronting cancer with the same stubbornness he employed to push Minnesota to the forefront of environmental regulation for half a century.” May 2, 1999.
- “So far, so good for Ventura.” February 19, 1999.
- “Governor Ventura.” January 5, 1999.
- “Celebrity in Chief.” December 28, 1998.
- “Jesse jolts third-party legitimacy.” November 6, 1998.
- “After the victory, reality.” November 5, 1998.
- “Body slam! Ventura: ‘We shocked the world.’” November 4, 1998.
- “Political underdog reforms state politics.” November 4, 1998.
- “Hoping to Put Common Sense into Practice: Ventura Using Celebrity Smarts.” October 28, 1998.